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Human-Centric Campaign Settings: Bonus Feats

Throughout the earlier editions of Dungeons & Dragons, humans were at the forefront of player choice, rising to dominance with 3rd Edition due to a bonus feat and lack of significant racial restrictions. These edges align with most campaign settings since humans are abundant, ambitious, and resourceful.

However, as newer editions encouraged a more diverse blend of species, it also diminished the mystique of a world where the strange and exotic were no longer rare or awe-inspiring. The sense of wonder faded when the unusual became mundane.

As a Game Master, the adventuring group should often best represent the world. If it is a diverse setting where no specific species dominates, then no incentive is needed. However, should humans (or another species) significantly influence the world through political, social, and cultural epicenters, consider granting the following bonus feats to encourage players to create those characters.

Humans dominate most fantasy campaign worlds.

Bonus Feats

Humans (or another dominant species) gain one of the following feats during character creation in addition to their standard human traits.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll a Dexterity D20 Test, you can take the Dash action as a Bonus Action until the end of your next turn.

If the check succeeds, you can take a Reaction to Dodge or Disengage.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Wisdom 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll a die, treat the result as a 10 if it is lower than 10.

If the check succeeds, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Wisdom modifier + Proficiency Bonus.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Charisma 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll a die, you can take the Help or Influence action as a Bonus Action until the end of your next turn.

If the check succeeds, choose one ally within 30 feet that can see or hear you. That ally can immediately make the same D20 Test as a Reaction, adding your Proficiency Bonus to the result.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Constitution 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll a die, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier + Proficiency Bonus.

If the check succeeds, you gain Resistance to one of the following damage types until the start of your next turn: Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Piercing, Poison, Slashing, or Thunder.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll an Intelligence D20 Test, add 1d6 to the result.

If the check succeeds, you can cast guidance once without a spell slot as a Bonus Action.


General Feat (Prerequisite: Strength 13+)

When you expend Heroic Inspiration to reroll a Strength D20 Test, add 1d4 to the result.

If the test is a melee attack roll and succeeds, you can use one of the following mastery properties instead of normal: Push, Sap, or Topple.

While not exclusive nor as powerful as standard feats, it should incentivize players to select humans during the character-creation process and emphasize their prominence without being unbalanced. Non-human species become exceptional in such a campaign setting, and their presence feels significant and magical, allowing you to restore mystique to the world.


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Iconic Adventuring System

Crowlands Campaign Setting

Dead Age Campaign Setting Feudal Lords Campaign Setting

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